Monday 17 October 2011

European Chameleon --- Reptiles

Chamaeleo chamaeleon
The chameleon is a lizard that lives in North Africa, Saudi Arabia, India, and southern Spain. It is famous for its ability to change colour quickly to match changing backgrounds and even its moods. Green among the leaves and brown on the branches, the chameleon can also turn red when angry or gray when frightened. This colour change is controlled by the chameleon’s nervous system.
The chameleon stays still most of the time although its eyes are always moving, looking for prey. Occasionally the chameleon moves slowly through bushes and small trees where it hunts, or on the ground or sand between bushes. Although its body does not move much, it is an excellent insect hunter. It catches grasshopper with its long, sticky tongue. A chameleon can stick out its tongue and pull it back in less than a second carrying prey with it. Unrolled, its tongue is one in a half times as long as its body.
In the mating season, the male puffs himself up with air and changes colour to attract a female. When ready to mate, the lizard turns almost black. The female lays from 20 to 35 eggs in a pit, and then carefully fills it in. the young chameleons hatch two in half month later. They quickly seek shelter in nearby bushes. Snakes and other small meat-eaters love to eat them. They protect themselves  by changing colour to match the background.
CLASS: Reptiles
ORDER: Lizards and snake
FAMILY: Chameleons
LENGTH: 12 to 15 inches
DIET: Insects
NUMBER OF EGGS: 20 to 35
HOME: North Africa, Saudi Arabia,India, Southern Spain.

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